European populists back Putin as they roll out their anti-Ukraine positions

Natasha Lindstaedt, University of Essex (14 June) Vladimir Putin looks to be a big winner from the far-right surge in the recent European Parliament election. Not content with only exercising control over former Soviet Union members, the Kremlin is now increasing its support across the rest of Europe. One significant symbol of the pro-Russia swing … Continue reading European populists back Putin as they roll out their anti-Ukraine positions

Venezuela – Maduro chances a ‘Galtieri’ gamble

Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro takes part in a video conference with members of the military in Caracas [Reuters/Miraflores] By Tom Harrison What does a dictator do when he's down on his luck and in danger of having to make a quick getaway from the presidential palace? Obviously, he plays the patriotic card! After all, it's … Continue reading Venezuela – Maduro chances a ‘Galtieri’ gamble

Peace, Justice … and Stalinism

Above: logo of the International Conference Jeremy Corbyn announced his Peace and Justice Project (PJP) in December 2020, with a mission statement that included: “To bring people together for social and economic justice, peace, and human rights, in Britain and across the world…[It] will work with labour and social movements and provide platforms to those … Continue reading Peace, Justice … and Stalinism

Exposing Singham is not “red baiting” or “McCarthyism” 

Above: the New York Times headline and photo of Jodie Evans and Neville Roy Singham By Bill Weinberg via Oakland Socialist Note: Here is another transcript from Bill Weinberg’s “Countervortex” podcast. These podcasts are part of Bill’s livelihood. Even if you prefer to only read material online, we urge you to subscribe to Countervortex to … Continue reading Exposing Singham is not “red baiting” or “McCarthyism” 

The left, the UCU Ukraine motion and antisemitism

Statement by UCU members in solidarity with Ukraine (still open for signature) UCU Ukraine solidarity organising meeting (hybrid), 5pm, 17 June By Dale Street Some sections of the left have welcomed the vote by last month’s UCU annual congress to adopt a motion which incorporated the Stop the War Coalition (STW) line on Ukraine. The … Continue reading The left, the UCU Ukraine motion and antisemitism

UCU turns its back on Ukranians Above: Putin's little helpers at the UCU conference By Dale Street Little over a decade ago the UCU trade union (which represents staff in Further and Higher Education) was hit by a wave of resignations by Jewish members. They no longer found the union to be habitable for Jews. Their resignations followed decisions by … Continue reading UCU turns its back on Ukranians

Against the “progressive” betrayal of Ukraine

The Nation occasionally runs a piece to “balance” the pro-Putin propaganda they overwhelmingly run—to create the impression that support for and opposition to aggressive war are equally legitimate positions by Bill Weinberg. Transcript from CounterVortex podcast of March 13; also published at Oakland Socialist: We just passed the one-year anniversary of the start of the Ukraine war, Putin’s massive invasion of Ukraine. Which was noted … Continue reading Against the “progressive” betrayal of Ukraine

‘Victory to Ukraine!’ AWL flyer for distribution at the Stop the War demo

"Victory to Ukraine!" — flyer to be distributed at Stop the War's demonstration, 25 February 2023. Download here Text of flyer below. Vladimir Putin’s imperialist Russian state is renewing its offensive against Ukraine, ramping up its war right across the Donbas front, using tens of thousands of newly-mobilised conscripts. Putin has no intention of stopping his … Continue reading ‘Victory to Ukraine!’ AWL flyer for distribution at the Stop the War demo

Morning Star, Jan-Feb 2022, as “the US Britain and Nato escalated their aggressive drive to war”

Above: ever since 2014 the Morning Star echoing Putin's propaganda, has sought to portray Ukraine as being ruled by fascists. Today, on the first anniversary of Russia's invasion of Ukraine, most serious papers and news outlets are giving a great deal of coverage to the war. The Guardian, for instance devotes most of its front … Continue reading Morning Star, Jan-Feb 2022, as “the US Britain and Nato escalated their aggressive drive to war”

Now, “left” Putin-appeasers invoke … Kissinger!

The Morning Star, Britian's daily paper of "Peace and Socialism" has always opposed Ukraine's right to defend itself from Russian aggression. It claims to also oppose Putin's invasion, but having stated that formal position, it then goes on to blame Nato and sympathise with virtually all of Putin's arguments justifying the invasion. In trade union … Continue reading Now, “left” Putin-appeasers invoke … Kissinger!