Trump: convicted felon (at last!) … and fascist

ILLUSTRATION BY JEFFREY SMITH (New Republic) Contempt is one of the nasty, self-fooling emotions, a mix of self-love and aggression. It is a feeling to reject, or at least suspect, in yourself. Few human beings are really contemptible. But Donald Trump, former president of the USA is one of them. We knew that this very … Continue reading Trump: convicted felon (at last!) … and fascist

Bitcoin: “lying, cheating and stealing”

Michael Roberts writes in his blog: Last week, Sam Bankman-Fried was sentenced to 25 years in prison.  He ran the highly successful FTX bitcoin hedge fund that supposedly made millions for his clients.  But Friedman was exposed and convicted of stealing $8 billion from his FTX customers. He was found to have siphoned billions in … Continue reading Bitcoin: “lying, cheating and stealing”

Demystifying Lenin – 100 years on

Sunday (21/01/24) marked the centenary of the death of Vladimir Lenin, one of the most influential but also misunderstood, socialists of the twentieth century. In this weekend's Morning Star, for instance, the pro-China propagandist Carlos Martinez claims that: "To be Marxist-Leninists in the 31st century means to return to a strategy of a world-wide united … Continue reading Demystifying Lenin – 100 years on

SNP: the cult shows its true nature

Above: Regan, Yousaf and Forbes (Getty) By Dale Street Humza Yousaf was declared winner of the SNP leadership contest on 27 March. After votes cast for Ash Regan were redistributed, Yousaf beat Kate Forbes by 52% to 48% on a 70% turnout. More important than the outcome is what the contest – the first SNP … Continue reading SNP: the cult shows its true nature