The killing of the WCK aid workers – perhaps even worse than Mavi Marmara

Above: one of the WCK cars after the attack [IMAGE SOURCE, EPA] The killing by the Israel Defence Forces of seven members of World Central Kitchen (WCK), aid workers in clearly marked cars, brings to mind the so-called "Mavi Marmara massacre" (or "Gaza flotilla raid") of 2010. But the differences are also significant: this time … Continue reading The killing of the WCK aid workers – perhaps even worse than Mavi Marmara

Putin’s desperate conspiracy theory linking Ukraine with the ISIS attack

By Michael Baker at Workers Liberty (with some additions and amendments by JD) The Crocus City Hall attack in Moscow on 22 March was one of the largest terrorist attacks the country has seen in recent memory. Within minutes a death toll of 40 had been announced, with over 100 more injured. Those numbers have … Continue reading Putin’s desperate conspiracy theory linking Ukraine with the ISIS attack

Survivors Against Terror: isolate extremists from vast majority of Muslims

Above: Rebecca Rigby, widow of murdered soldier Lee Rigby, with their son Jack in 2015 Signed by:Joanne Aaron, Survivor of the Manchester Arena attack and her friend Jane diedSheelagh Alexander, Mother of Nick, killed at the Bataclan, ParisCaroline Beattie, Mother of Luke, killed by ISIS in SyriaLesley Callander, Mother of Georgina, killed in the Manchester … Continue reading Survivors Against Terror: isolate extremists from vast majority of Muslims

Letter from Afghanistan about Palestine & Israel

Re-posted with thanks from New Politics By: Azadeh Omid The people of Palestine have suffered from multiple oppressions for many years. Their homeland was occupied. They lost many of their youth. Their intellectuals were exiled or killed. Their children experienced war and explosions. Women experienced the loss of their homeland and their children. Israel has continued to … Continue reading Letter from Afghanistan about Palestine & Israel

Rape and terror on 7 October

By Gerry Bates On 4 December, the United Nations hosted a special session to hear about rape and sexual violence during the 7 October massacre in Israel by Hamas. Meni Binyamin of the Israel police Crime Investigations Unit has told the New York Times, from testimony from survivors of the massacre and from soldiers and emergency medical workers … Continue reading Rape and terror on 7 October

Remembering the Birmingham pub bombings Forty nine years ago tonight (21 November), two bombs exploded inside busy pubs in the centre of Birmingham, killing 21 people and injuring another 182. In the light of atrocities that have happened since, this may not seem such a shocking incident, but at the time it was traumatic – we in mainland Britain … Continue reading Remembering the Birmingham pub bombings

Your Empathy is Killing Us

By @Mushon Zer-Aviv (first published at Medium and republished here under the terms of a Creative Commons licence): Why binary partisanship in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is hurting both sides, and what to do about it. “They shot dad, they shot mom and they shot Avigail” said Michael (9) to his uncle on the phone. On October 7th, … Continue reading Your Empathy is Killing Us

SWP, “anti-imperialism” and terror: a story of cowardice and opportunism

Above: the SWP's immediate reaction to the Hamas pogrom of 7 October (posted by SWP on 9 October 2023) The Socialist Workers Party’s immediate response to the 7 October massacre of Israeli civilians (“Rejoice”) and its repeated statements of support for Hamas are aimed at presenting an image of being the most militant “anti-imperialists” in … Continue reading SWP, “anti-imperialism” and terror: a story of cowardice and opportunism

It’s right that the march goes ahead – but beware slippery slogans

Above: behind such apparently innocuous slogans, the SWP supports Hamas and opposes calls for a ceasefire. The following piece appears in the present issue of Solidarity under the headline "Against bans, against slippery slogans". It was written before the Metropolitan Police announced their decision to allow Saturday's pro-Palestinian march to go ahead: By Martin Thomas … Continue reading It’s right that the march goes ahead – but beware slippery slogans

Support Arab-Jewish movement for equal rights! Despite the challenges, anti-war and anti-occupation groups in Israel have continued to organise. On 24 October, leaders from Standing Together, the grassroots Arab-Jewish social movement, spoke on an online panel organised by activists in the US, along with Yael Berda, an Israeli activist in the “A Land for All” initiative, and Palestinian activist … Continue reading Support Arab-Jewish movement for equal rights!