SWP and Morning Star: bare-faced liars

By Darren Bedford (on the Workers Liberty website, where it is headed 'Obvious lies used in Ukraine debate) Sharp criticism of one’s political opponents, including within one’s own movement, is an inevitable, even necessary, aspect of political discourse.  What is neither inevitable nor necessary is telling outright lies about those one disagrees with.  In a … Continue reading SWP and Morning Star: bare-faced liars

The Unbearable Manicheanism of the “Anti-Imperialist” Left

New York City, 2023: "anti-imperialists" back Putin's propaganda. Credit: Brenda Ryan By William Robison at The Philosophical Salon (h/t: Anti*Capitalist Resistance) JD notes: this article examines the contradictory logic and regressive politics of the contemporary "anti-imperialist" left that opposes capitalist exploitation by the West but turns a blind eye to repression by non-Western states opposed … Continue reading The Unbearable Manicheanism of the “Anti-Imperialist” Left

Cluster bombs in Ukraine – and hypocrisy in the Morning Star

Above: a cluster bomb capsule on the ground amid the Russia-Ukraine war in Avdiivka, Ukraine, on March 23, 2023 [GETTY IMAGES] Cluster munitions are horrible weapons that can be delivered by rockets, missiles, and aircraft. They open in mid-air and disperse dozens and even hundreds of smaller submunitions, also called capsules or bomblets, over an … Continue reading Cluster bombs in Ukraine – and hypocrisy in the Morning Star

Gilbert Achcar: “The world situation is that of a new cold war”

From Anticapitalist Resistance: Gilbert Achcar was interviewed by Thierry Labica of France’s New Anticapitalist Party (NPA) on the occasion of the publication of his new book The New Cold War: The United States, Russia, and China from Kosovo to Ukraine (Saqi Books in Britain, and soon Haymarket in the USA). By republishing this interview with … Continue reading Gilbert Achcar: “The world situation is that of a new cold war”

Ukraine: answers to questions raised by Andrew Murray and also by some honest comrades

Above: Andrew Murray speaking at the Stop the War Coalition rally in London, February 25, 2023 [Photo: WSWS] From Labour Hub (published there as Ukraine: Some Answers to Frequently Asked Questions): John McDonnell’s article on this site (ie Labour Hub) last week generated a lively debate on social media and provoked a response from Andrew Murray of the Stop the War … Continue reading Ukraine: answers to questions raised by Andrew Murray and also by some honest comrades

‘Victory to Ukraine!’ AWL flyer for distribution at the Stop the War demo

"Victory to Ukraine!" — flyer to be distributed at Stop the War's demonstration, 25 February 2023. Download here Text of flyer below. Vladimir Putin’s imperialist Russian state is renewing its offensive against Ukraine, ramping up its war right across the Donbas front, using tens of thousands of newly-mobilised conscripts. Putin has no intention of stopping his … Continue reading ‘Victory to Ukraine!’ AWL flyer for distribution at the Stop the War demo

Against pseudo-left disinformation on Ukraine

We reproduce, below, the transcript of an audio of Bill Weinberg’s “Countervortex”. That audio can be heard on his blog here. Against pseudo-left disinformation on UkraineFrom the CounterVortex podcast, Dec. 9, 2022 NB: The transcript is taken from the Oakland Socialist blog. We believe it is of importance because the political stance behind the book that … Continue reading Against pseudo-left disinformation on Ukraine

To ‘Stop the War’ supporters: why is Ukranian resistance invisible to you?

An appeal to supporters of the Stop the War Coalition from Simon Pirani (first published on his bog People and Nature): Here are notes I made for a talk at an on-line meeting of the Stop the War Coalition’s Brent (north-west London) branch tomorrow (28 June). I was due to speak alongside Lindsey German, national … Continue reading To ‘Stop the War’ supporters: why is Ukranian resistance invisible to you?

Socialist Worker denounces “War of conquest” – by Ukraine!

  Above: civilians in the city of Severodonetsk as Russia closes in on one of the major cities in Donbas GETTY IMAGES By Sacha Ismail “Three months since Russia invaded Ukraine”, claims Socialist Worker of 18 May, “the war has entered a new and even more ­dangerous phase”. Specifically: “there can be no more doubt this is now … Continue reading Socialist Worker denounces “War of conquest” – by Ukraine!