SWP and Morning Star: bare-faced liars

By Darren Bedford (on the Workers Liberty website, where it is headed 'Obvious lies used in Ukraine debate) Sharp criticism of one’s political opponents, including within one’s own movement, is an inevitable, even necessary, aspect of political discourse.  What is neither inevitable nor necessary is telling outright lies about those one disagrees with.  In a … Continue reading SWP and Morning Star: bare-faced liars

Camden traffic wardens: “Low Pay, No Way!

From the forthcomhg issue of Solidarity (available later this week): Camden traffic wardens’ strike remains solid, entering its fifth week as this issue goes to press. As Solidarity 681 reported, the outsourced workers demand a pay rise from £12.70 per hour to £15.90. They have voted overwhelmingly to stay out continuously until their bosses at NSL pay … Continue reading Camden traffic wardens: “Low Pay, No Way!